An Unkempt Garden of

kitten adopter information: the adoption process with IAR

[note: this is a rough draft -- as are all pages in this section; sorry it's still a bit wordy. Your best bet for now is to talk to me directly.]

I'm so glad you're reading this page! It means you might be interested in adopting a cat or kitten from Independent Animal Rescue or me, and you want to know how it works.

Details about each step are below, but a short list is: meet the kitten, home visit, application & approval, you get ready while I do paperwork, then adoption day.

A few important points up front: there's an adoption fee, and IAR usually adopts kittens in pairs or with another animal that will play with the kitten. The IAR adoption contract also mandates that all adopted felines will be indoor-only cats.

Fostering a kitten means you often become very attached to and protective of the kitten. It can be a little difficult and even a bit scary to give him to a new home. Knowing that the kitten will be protected from all the hazards that we know are outdoors (cars, disease, predators, climbing/falling injuries) makes the fostering model work better, and means that I as a fosterer am willing to put my heart into socializing the kittens and teaching them to love and trust all humans.

  • There are several ways you might find a kitten or kittens that intrigue you. The IAR web site, adoption events, a posted flyer, meeting me, hearing about the perfect kitten through a friend.
  • If you haven't contacted me, then filling out IAR's adoption application is a good way to do that. If you're ready for a kitten, you'll probably want to do this anyway.

    The application asks for your contact information and information on your family members and others who live with you, your veterinarian, a personal reference, contact information for your landlord (if you rent), and information about your pets.

  • Once you contact me, we'll figure out a way for you to meet the kittens and for me to meet you.
  • At some point, I'll visit your place. Often I'll bring your potential kitten so he can start getting used to the new environment. I'll also be happy to help kitten-proof, noticing things that maybe you won't because you've seen your place so many times already.
  • You consider; I consider. Maybe we do another visit. If you and a kitten or kittens have found each other, wonderful! We have a match!
  • If you haven't filled out an application yet, now's probably a good time.
  • An IAR committee reviews all applications. It usually only takes a few days.
  • Meanwhile, you can get ready! You'll want to kitten-proof your domicile, get any supplies you need, and, if you have kids, start teaching them about proper kitten care and caution.
  • I make sure the kitten's vaccinations are where they should be, get forms together, prepare your contract (and usually send you a copy to read before we get together), and answer any questions you have. Some adopters will bring me a kitty bed or some clothing to get the cat used to something that will be with them at home.
  • Adoption day arrives! I'll bring over the kittens, we sign many more papers than you'd expect, I take too long to leave, and then there you are, alone with your new family member.